Course Content

  • 1

    Introduction of the Author

    • About Author

  • 2

    Challenges and Opportunities

    • What is world's greatest opportunity?

    • Top challenges in Selling ?

  • 3

    Steps to overcome challenges

    • About Do 1%, 100% Done blueprint

    • Inspirational Story

  • 4


    • Identify Performance Issues(Mindset)

    • Which is the biggest cage ?

    • Either we can be bitter or better ?

  • 5

    Identifying Performance Issues (Skillset )

    • Approaching Prospects

    • Interviewing prospects- Creating Raport

    • Establishing Credibility

  • 6

    Identifying Prime buying motives

    • Identifying Prime buying motives 1

    • Identifying Prime buying motives 2

  • 7

    Identifying Results to resource ratio

    • Identifying Results to resource ratio

    • Handling stalls and objections

    • Closing Sale

    • Referrals and Resale

  • 8

    Plan of activity

    • Plan of activity

    • About Simulation video

  • 9

    About Bizwiz Learning

    • What Bizwiz Offers