Course curriculum

  • 1

    Build Your Relations From Inside

    • Introduction of the Course

    • Build Relations from Inside

  • 2

    Stitching your relations to be your best fit

    • Change Your Outlook

  • 3

    Understanding how Personal Style brings in distinctiveness to your relations

    • Personal Style and Relations

  • 4

    How to beautify Relations to achieve peace, success & happiness

    • Look vs Outlook

  • 5

    Learning the strategies to live together happily

    • Art of Jumping

  • 6

    Identifying the problems to fold yourself

    • Art of Folding

  • 7

    Bending required to play big shots

    • Art of Bending

  • 8

    Work on moldings as a pot maker

    • Art of Moulding

  • 9

    About Bizwiz Learning

    • What Bizwiz offers